iSLi|International Student Leadership Institute
iSLi Workshops
At iSLi, we are determined to tackle obstacles within the sphere of education that students face every day. Very often, students are discouraged in their academic endeavors due to lack of information, guidance, financial means, cultural taboos, gender inequality, or simply, a lack of inspiration. Such challenges often result in a substantial waste of time, energy, financial resources and lead to an abandonment of academic objectives. Empowering current and future students starts with a focus on their specific needs. The objective is simple - to bring out the best in all students through a series of comprehensive workshops developed “by students for students” and guided by experts in the field. iSli has specifically adopted this model to ultimately eliminate the inherent ethnocentrism that exists in a multi-cultural, modern society.
International Student Comprehensive Workshop
The International Student Leadership Institute’s hallmark workshop provides systematic tools and guidance for international students who want to optimize their opportunities and experiences in the US while pursuing their academic goals. The workshop helps students to perform well in school, integrate and assimilate into their environments, and ultimately, achieve success. It also helps students harness their inherent leadership skills and covers applicable skills such as risk assessment and project management. The workshop is currently offered at DMV Community Colleges and several other educational institutions.
Breaking the Barriers to Education: Empowering Female Students
This workshop will empower female students from developing countries to identify, categorize, and work to eliminate barriers to education in their home countries. A primary focus of the workshop will be highlighting how female students can work together to overcome the challenges and obstacles they face in reaching their educational goals.
Boys for Girls: Preventing Rape through Education
Rape on college campuses has been an all too frequent headline in the media. At iSli we are taking an active stance against rape by recognizing that sexual abuse prevention requires a joint effort between male and female students. Specifically, in many societies, prevention of sexual abuse and other forms of gender-based violence requires education campaigns targeting male students. Through this workshop, we will teach and empower male students to stand up for the rights of their female counterparts. Our hope is that after participating in this workshop, male students will return to their homes and join the fight against rape and other forms of gender-based violence.